Thief's Torment in Path of Exile 2: Is This Unique Ring Still Worth It?

Thief’s Torment has long been a staple Unique ring in Path of Exile, offering an interesting mix of benefits and restrictions that make it a niche but potentially powerful option. With the release of Path of Exile 2, many Unique items are seeing reworks, and the meta is shifting dramatically. If you're wondering whether Thief’s Torment in PoE 2 is worth using in the new era, this guide has you covered.

What is Thief’s Torment in PoE 2?

Thief’s Torment is a Unique ring that comes with a huge upside and a major tradeoff. It prevents the wearer from equipping another ring but compensates for this by granting strong sustain mechanics, including massive life and mana on hit.

Notable Stats on Thief’s Torment:

The real standout stat here is the life and mana gain on hit, making this ring particularly strong for attack-based builds that hit rapidly. With PoE 2 introducing new mechanics and changes to sustain, Thief’s Torment might still be a valuable choice for certain builds, especially when paired with high attack speed setups.

How Good is Thief’s Torment in Path of Exile 2?

The viability of Thief’s Torment in PoE 2 depends on several factors, including whether mana sustain and life recovery remain as important as they were in PoE 1. From what we’ve seen so far in the early access changes, Path of Exile 2 is leaning toward a more deliberate combat style, meaning fast-attacking builds that rely on hit-based sustain could still benefit from this ring.

Pros of Using Thief’s Torment in PoE 2:

Cons of Using Thief’s Torment in PoE 2:

If you’re playing a fast-hitting attack build, such as a Ranger, Duelist, or even a certain type of Witch or Mercenary, Thief’s Torment can provide unparalleled sustain. However, if you rely on spells or slower attacks, there are likely better options for your ring slots.

Best Builds for Thief’s Torment in PoE 2

If you want to get the most out of Thief’s Torment in PoE 2, you need a build that hits frequently enough to maximize the life and mana on hit bonus. Here are some of the top builds that might benefit from it:

1. Ranger - Deadeye Tornado Shot / Barrage Build

2. Warrior - Warbringer Dual Strike Build

3. Mercenary - Witchhunter Flurry Build

If you’re running a spellcaster or a slower melee build, Thief’s Torment won’t do much for you, and you’d be better off with another ring setup.

Is Thief’s Torment Good for Mapping and Bossing?

Mapping: ★★★★☆

Bossing: ★★★☆☆

For high-speed map farming, Thief’s Torment is still a great pick. However, for endgame boss fights where you’re dodging more than attacking, its value drops compared to rings that boost raw DPS.

How to Obtain Thief’s Torment in PoE 2

In Path of Exile 2, Thief’s Torment can be found as a random Unique drop. It may also appear as a specific boss drop or be obtained through Divination Cards, depending on how GGG decides to distribute old Uniques in PoE 2’s loot system.

If you’re struggling to get your hands on this ring, consider checking out PVPBank or other PoE 2 currency trading platforms, as these can sometimes provide a shortcut to acquiring Uniques like Thief’s Torment.

Final Verdict: Is Thief’s Torment Worth It in PoE 2?

If you’re playing a fast-attacking, hit-based build, Thief’s Torment in Path of Exile 2 still offers some serious advantages. The life and mana on hit sustain is unmatched, and the extra resistances and item quantity make it a solid pick for farming builds.

However, if you’re looking for maximum DPS or are playing a build that doesn’t attack frequently, you’re probably better off with two well-rolled rare rings instead.

Should You Use Thief’s Torment in PoE 2?

Yes, if you have a high attack speed build that needs sustain.
No, if you’re playing a spellcaster, summoner, or slow melee build.

With PoE 2 shaking up the meta, Thief’s Torment may not be a universal best-in-slot item, but for the right build, it’s still one of the strongest sustain rings in the game. If you manage to get your hands on one, experiment with it and see how it fits into your playstyle!